Well, this week was the DNC here in Denver, so I went to the zoo. How those two relate, I don't know but I did get to go to the zoo which made me smile. I got some sketches done, but not many because little kids like to run in front of you when you have good shots and scare away the animals. I will have to say that my favorite animal at the zoo was either the red river hog (they were actually playing and running around) or the emperor tamarin (they have mustaches as defense mechanisms, how cool is that?). For those who braved downtown Denver this week, I hope you didn't get hit by tear gas. (:
I got a new book with about 2000 animals referenced in it, so expect lots of animal updates.

(These aren't actual sketches from the zoo, the monkeys are zoo inspired... I did not see any kids yelling mushrooms there though that's just pure silliness.)
those are freakin sweet!
I like you animal Drawings!
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